Friday, November 16, 2007

Tipping in Tylenol

So the other day, at work, it was a terribly slow night. Everything was done by eight o'clock, so we were doing extra cleaning and stuff like that. While I was stocking up the pop cooler, a gentleman came in, he was tall and heavyset, with graying hair, well-dressed. He ordered a pizza, and ate it at one of the tables in the store. I was stocking the pop cooler behind him. He finished eating his pizza, there were still several slices left over, so he turned to me and asked if he could trade me his medium size box for a smaller box. I said, no problem. So I gave him a smaller box, and he tried to give me the medium size box, so I could use it again, he said. I just told him to put it in the garbage. He must have been thrilled with our service because he tipped me in tylenol. He gave me two packages of tylenol ultra. "Is very good, if someone have headache, you know," he said.

The tylenol came in handy, because yesterday, Joanne had a headache and ran out of advil. I rushed to the tip jar and opened it up, and gave one to Joanne. So they really did come in handy.

On Tuesday, I was working with Jenna. We had a big person-sized box. So I cut holes for arms and head and put it over myself. Afterwards I convinced Jenna to wear it while she was working, because she didn't have to wait on customers. (I was too embarassed to wear it while waiting on customers.) Anyways, Kerri has photos of it on her cell phone. Maybe some day I'll duplicate it and get photos for the website.


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