Monday, March 2, 2009

Top Ten Reasons Why Patrick Is Grumpy

Patrick is often grumpy/cranky/ornery, for your benefit we've compiled a list of reasons why:

10. He's sick.

9. He's tired.

8. He wishes he was doing something else.

7. He thinks you're angry at him/blaming him/disapproving of him.

6. There has been an unexpected change of plans.

5. He has been told to do something he is already doing/has been planning on doing.

4. He has been reprimanded.

3. He's embarrassed.

2. He hasn't eaten yet today.

1. He has just been woken up.


  1. top ten reasons why janelle loves patrick:
    1. he's absolutely indescribably amazing.
    2-10: see #1.

  2. Hahaha! This is a great list, and very enlightening. With our family, #6 alone is likely constant enough to keep him in a state of perma-grumpiness!

    Top 10 reasons why I love Patrick: he thinks my sister is amazing. Grump or not, that's good enough for me.

  3. #8 but what do you wish you were doing?...i wanna see some passion!..for something(one) other than Janelly-bell! (we definately see enough of that passion, lol)

  4. Dear Grumpy Patrick;
    Like the old saying goes...
    "When I'm grumpy, feed me or put me to bed..."
    I think that was true of you in your younger days... oh and the milk, we just couldn't feed your milk, are you drinking cow's milk or soya milk?
    Grumpy or not, we love you Patrick~!~

  5. #10. milk allergies?
    #9.too many late nights?
    #8. like washing dishes?
    #7. you need to grow up
    #6. ho-hum
    #5. get over it
    #4. ho-hum
    #3. could be worse
    #2. gotta eat 3 square meals a day, that's what mama always says!
    #1. keep the phone off the hook!
